Baby Dedications


Let's dedicate your

new blessing from God.

At The Grove, we believe in dedicating babies back to God, in the same biblical manner Hannah dedicated Samuel. We dedicate babies back to God, until such time that they have the cognitive and spiritual maturity to desire their own relationship with Jesus Christ.

We dedicate babies on the 2nd Sunday of each month. Baby dedications take place at the end of our weekly worship experience.

We typically dedicate children who are between the ages of 4 months – 24 months. However, because of the pandemic, we can make certain exceptions where necessary.

To have your baby dedicated at Pleasant Grove Baptist Church, the child’s PARENTS must be CURRENTLY ACTIVE members of our congregation. Membership status will be verified via our church membership database. We do not accept baby dedication requests from grandparents, unless they are the child’s legal guardians.

If you are a current, active member of our congregation and are interested in having your baby dedicated back to God, please complete the form below to receive additional information.

On Baby Dedication Sunday, families must arrive in the sanctuary no later than 9:30 a.m. to make contact with our Baby Dedications Coordinator.

Baby Dedication

  • Child's Information

  • We generally only dedicate children that are 2 and under. If your child is past the cutoff, please explain in detail in the comment box below.
  • For Example: spouse and other children
  • For Example: early months of life, likes or dislikes, anything special about this pregnancy or delivery that reveals God’s goodness or faithfulness, etc. - “I went into labor on a ski slope!” or how you picked your baby’s name – these types of stories
  • Parental Information